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Monday, 6 February 2012

Micro-array data analysis using R

Micro-array data analysis is the complicated procedure involving preprocessing, Statistical  analysis and finally giving biological meaning to the observed changes.  R programming makes Micro-array data analysis much simpler and analyst should know which point he has to stop.  In R, all the steps of Micro-array data analysis can be completed starting from preprocessing, hierarchical clustering, Heat maps, Statistical analysis and mapping to GO ontologies or KEGG pathways etc.  Data generated from different platform such as Affymetrix, Agilent, and Illumina can be analyzed in R. The important libraries required for the Micro-array data analysis are affy, limma, simpleaffy, amap, KEGG, geneListPie  etc. 

The following are screen shots of the analysis of Micro-array data analysis of high-throughput data Affymetrix platform
Chip QC

RNA degradation plot

Intensity Plot


KEGG Pathway mapping


Thursday, 2 February 2012

Return of Investment from Solar Water Heater

Solar water heaters are becoming more popular because of higher electricity bill and they go green and environment friendly.  The solar heaters are safer compared to electric geysers.   The only requirement to install Solar heater is to have plenty of Sun light either on terrace or wall, which is free off course.  Solar heater in simple has two parts, one for heating/ collectors and other tank for collecting the hot water.
Though the initial investment to install Solar heater is huge, but is more economy since it will reduce the electricity bill of house hold by at least 40%.  The well maintained Solar heater will run for 15 to 20 years returning the investment within 8 years.  It is conclude from the plot that investment on Solar water heater is worth.  The ROI from Solar Water  Heater is shown as

* The use pattern and savings for southern region pertains to the typical climate of Bangalore, while those for western region relate typically to Pune climate.
